Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sabbatical....But i'm back!!

Hey Friends!!

 Sorry for the enormously large sabbatical, that i have taken the last couple months... 

For starters, I moved. well, we moved. Not far from where we were living but, far enough from the highway that no cars in the yard due to accidents. Ive been working on trying to get things ready for the new  things that fuzzy wuzzy hats will be doing this year.. Ill hopefully be introducing pics soon so please be patient.

Thanks again for all your support, I really truly appreciate it!!

- Peace, Love and Flying Pigs, Jess

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Valentines day and all that other stuff that i missed.... Changes Coming Soon!!! :)

Okay folks, I am back... At least til things start happening again.. Ha.. To give you an idea, we're in the process of building a house... Kind of. Rewind to last week... The semi brings half of our house down, and gets it stuck 3 times in our drive way... decides to block it, and leave it. Which is cool, however in the length of time, he also gets the truck stuck.. Tractors to the rescue.. And its unstuck. So then it rains and rains. Then its windy.. and even windier. Ugh... So yes... with that, we have half a house.. Kitchen, dining, laundry, 2nd bathroom and 3rd bedroom/guestroom/office type thing. 

yep this is about when they got it stuck. 

 Needless to say after this picture... It only made it as far as the drive way, with enough room to get the truck out and so forth. So, this is the big news for right now.. 

In other news.....

I have 4 new hats made, 2 of which are now living in California, and 2 are in the mail to go back home. So excited I hope the girls like them when they arrive.. I'm thinking that maybe from now on I am going to actually have children's head measurements before doing a hat... I'm so afraid now of not having them fit or anything..No pics as of yet though..  Hopefully soon!   Not much more news other than that, hopefully soon i can show you pics of a completed house!

Happy Tuesday Y'all, And a Safe St. Patty's Day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friends, Family, and Strangers that become Friends and Family

I have always been blessed, with a circle of great friends and family.. Some being strangers, that I have randomly taken in, but all the same, when the times are tough, they are all family.

So, much like have talked about in most of my writing, my snowed in Michigan friend Annie has  been planning this wedding since the beginning of the year, off to lovely weathered Texas they go... (am i jealous you ask??? YES! and i have mentioned once or twice and.. will again... TAKE ME WITH YOU..please!?!?)  So, while conversing the other night she said she was going to work on her wedding dress... Yes my friends, she is making her own wedding dress... I tell ya she can do it all, make soap, spin wool, train animals, you name it... I, however... do not have these abilities, unless, its by fluke accident. Anyway,  we were conversing, and since i do (kind of) know a little bit about sewing, we were discussing zipper placement, lacework, ribbons, flowers, etc. Since, I have already done the marriage thing, I am solely here for advice, suggestion, or input in what may work or not. Yep, folks its pretty rough.. :) The other day it got me to thinking, (something i do not too often) and was wondering if there were still any Tailors left.. You know, the old timey folks that you use to be able to go to have your pants altered etc... And say, Hey, make me a wedding dress...

Something like this:
aint it pretty??!?! mine didnt look REMOTELY close to this.

Made by someone like this:

I would settle for something like this:

Ty Pennington-- The Tailor... Yes Please!

I know that would be some encouragement to get some things going if I were in her shoes.  I havent heard of how the progress is going since, but as I imagine everything will go just fine... :)  I will keep you up to date on the progress and even get pictures if i can.

Have a Happy Monday folks!

"Marriage: Betting someone half your shit that you will love them forever."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blog Pluggin Time!

Hey Everyone!  Im gonna do some blog plugging tonight.. My friend Annie whom youve seen me talk about on a couple occasions has a blog and i want you to check it out... (shes the one i usually talk to in the morning to get my day started).. Shes an awesome lady, talented, smart, critter friendly, lives on a farm with her soon to be husbie and son in rural Michigan. Oooh, and most importantly, she also makes soap... Awesome, goats milk soap that she gets from her goat babies on the farm... So check her out, follow her, comment, be as impressed as I am.. You wont be disappointed..   <thats her... Check it out!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, Monday.... So good to me...

Okay so I thought id start you off with a little dity from the Mamas and Papas. Great song..

Anyway. so hopefully you all had a great day, mine was rather rigid but nothing extremely awful by any means.  Bank, store, visiting grandma, ya know, the Monday things. But on my way home i kinda decided that maybe this whole running around thing isnt so bad..  Came home did some laundry, dug out Gingers baby swing, thats like in new condition, contacted some people about it, etc.. Fixed supper for my fam, tonight Homemade Macaroni and Cheese with Ham...  not too bad i must say.  Maybe tomorrow if you folks are lucky, ill post the recipe, so you can see how good yourself how the awesomeness is. 

I must bid you farewell for the evening and finish getting dinner ready, if your lucky ill even post a pic or 2 of it tomorrow.. :) Have a great night and happy Tuesday!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

So...... to catch you up to speed...

I really havent been neglecting you lately.. Things have been kinda busy, and trying to get hats done before our big project arises. So what im going to do today, is show you some pics of the work that I have done, weights, and prices.  In my first blog, it give you a link to my fb page, please feel free to check it out. I would appreciate it!

Heather Grey and Light Blue single strand striped (good for fall/spring)
 I made this hat for a gal for christmas, and it was the first one that i did for her, she LOVED it.. I was so excited, I did add a little crochet flower on it in the same blue and grey colors but didnt have it on at the time of the picture.

Woodsie(L) and Camo(R) ear flap hats double strand(good winter weight)
These two, went to a brother and sister for christmas as well. When the order was placed i was told that the little boy was ALL boy and the girl was all tomboyish and hated pink. So the lighter one went for her and the darker one went to him.. I think they turned out great! (and especially love it on my red white and blue quilt on the back)

Baby Strawberry hat, Heavy weight, can be made to an adult hat also comes in Red/Dark Green

The baby strawberry hat was a proto type for a big one that i made for my daughter a couple years ago. I made a matching one for her baby.  All of my hats minus the strawberry hats are made from Red Heart Yarn while the Strawberry or any of the "heavy/winter weight" hats are made from Lion Brand Hometown USA. I have color charts for both, (if not definately the lionbrand) on my facebook page in my pictures. I have plenty more pictures on my fb page.. Ill post the link again at the end of my rant. 

My current price list will go as follows:

Single strand (solid or striped see above) are $7.50(USD)
Double strand(same as above) $9.50(USD)
Strawberry or Solid color of heavy weight $11.50(USD)
As of February, 1st 2012 these totals do not include shipping so when ordering add $5 to your total.  is the link to my page on facebook, feel free to look comment whatever you wish.

Thanks again for showing your interest in my little project :) Feel free to comment, if you have any questions, or suggestions I would appreciate it!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Parenting 101 and other stuff.

Class Begins Now-

So, recently my cousin Michelle had this posted to her Facebook. I clicked, I laughed and then immediately thought of my soon to be 4 year old Ginger.

And of all things... ITS ALL TRUE!

And with this being the case, While some of your weather may look like this : 
Yeah, I know what your thinking... I wanna be here too.

I am currently... Here. 
yes, indeed...  and its cold. to say the least.

Yep, thats right folks, the frozen tundra...  Just remember this:  

thanks bluntcard. :)

Have a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today.... in History.....

I have a question for you.. ? Close your eyes, and think about what some of your favorite websites are, whether it be for music, gaming, or even Facebook. What would you do if you, the consumer, that uses these websites every day, every other day, once a week, or even once a month went to log in one morning, and wanted to do a search on Google and its website looked like this: 

Yes, this is today (January 18th, 2012) Google website

How would you react? Your go-to search engine gone? Because of someone pirating the stuff they see, and or hear on the internet. 

I'm not going to sit here and try to fill your head with information on why this is right, or this is wrong, but what I am going to do, is give you 2 links to look at:

The first one being of my cousin Violet.  She is talented, mad crazy smart, a beautiful photographer, loving wife and mother of Marshmallow(their adorable little puppy). She also has a blog, that yes I am going to plug, and probably plug quite often, along with her mother's, but today, hers explains alot about what this SOPA/PIPA thing is all about. And I would appreciate you taking a look.

The second, coming from which gives you kind of a funny out look of what may happen if the Legislative took over the internet.

You can also go to   and underneath the I feel lucky, and search buttons, a way to act now, sign a petition and vote. I did this, I didnt have to enter my complete name just my initials, an email address and my zipcode, so I could get more information and they knew where my vote was coming from.  

Please, if  this is the only thing you do today, check these links out, and vote, they can stop your internet from looking like the above picture, and I know that every gamer, blogger, and Facebooker, would appreciate that you did!

 Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little 'bout Life...

 I've always been a firm believe in things happen for a reason, I just need to keep reminding my self of this during the tough times.

I have sat here for the last 3 hours (not exactly THAT long, randomly up doing things) getting ready to talk about my day and some of the hats that Ive made.. But instead, I think I'm going to go a little further. In my first post that i had started writing (that you didn't get to see) I mentioned that I had called and talked to my dad about lunch time, over some land issues that were about to take place letting him know coordinates and so forth. Okay. so with all that said, I talked maybe 10 minutes to my folks if that.. And it was less than two hours later, my mom had called and i could tell she was rather upset, not but the way her tone was but, how she words things... Its like a trademark she has, when something bad is about to happen she always starts out with "I cant talk to you long, but I really need to tell you this".. And that's where the conversation began. Let me back up here a little ways, so you can kind of get a sense of where this is going to go...

My aunt.. She was a lovely woman, hard working, and very family oriented. Her and her husband, who was a union electrician raised 2 girls, one 10 years older than me, and I believe the other,  couple years older than her even. They raised horses, lots and lots of horses and sheep. They were always on the  road to some horse show on the weekend and started getting me into showing horses, though probably not as much as they like, but it was fun. At the ripe old age of 30 i found out that when Santa came to our house at Christmas when I was younger, it was Uncle Danny that played Santa, it may have scared me at first, but  when I got old enough to ask my parents who it was that played him, they always insisted it was Santa himself. And at 32, it still is.  Christmas' were always a blast with my Aunt and Uncle, being an only child I was spoiled (Hear that Mom??!? I admitted to it) and they pretty much came up with anything they possibly could, to make my parents mad because of the annoying toys they would buy and send home. In a way, it was kinda classic. heh.  
4 years ago, this October, my aunt and my mom came down for a visit.. I hadn't felt real good and my feet were mad crazy swollen, but we went around and did some touring around the county taking her to places that she hadn't seen. And while mom was in a store, we were standing outside talking and she looked at me and said, " I know you don't feel well, by some chance do you think you could be pregnant..?"  At the time that hadn't really crossed my mind, and my sister an law decided to take a trip to town, and take some stuff back, that i had to go to Walmart, in the process picked up a box of pregnancy tests, and thought 'what the hell' well, come to find out, she was right, 3 tests later, double lines on all three, I was pregnant. More than excited, but yet, hadn't been to the Dr yet to know for sure, I called mom on her way home an our way home, and talked to her for a couple minutes, then asked to talk to Dixie.. She all but said hello, and I told her she was right.. 3 tests, but hadn't been to the Dr to confirm, but I was having a baby. I told her not to tell mom, until i knew for sure   (later finding out that this was going to make my mother more than pissed off at me) Sure enough, Monday morning I went to the doctor, and found out that I was going to have a baby within the second week of June.  I called my mom, and told her, in a way she kind of already knew but, didn't say anything at the time, and yes, she was mad. But at the same time very happy.. Went through the pregnancy and child birth just fine, and a couple weeks later my folks came down and brought Dixie and Danny with them. Other than Emmie's Grandparents(both sides) Aunt Jessica and Uncle Edgar, and her dad, I had the happiest Aunt and Uncle I could ever ask for.. 
Fast forward to 2 years ago, we were up at mom and dads, and  they had invited Dixie and Danny for supper, we had a great time, and they doted over Emmie, like they did, we visited and they went home. Mom asked me if i had noticed anything about Dixie, and i had told her not really, and didn't think much of it, well Danny would call talk to dad and they would talk about how every once in a while she would forget to do something, or so forth and over time, just had progressingly gotten worse.. Fast forwarding again to a year ago, Mom and Dad came down to visit, and I decided we were going to go back, up and spend some time with them, because mom thought I really needed to go see my aunt. And told me of her failing health, I didn't want to believe it (because i remember what we went through with my grandparents on my moms side) and told them that i was going to go, well once again at 31, your parents CAN STILL make you do things you don't want to do, and Dad an I went up for a visit. We pulled up, and there was this long ramp that went down the sidewalk from their what i always thought was beautiful porch, even though it was just covered, concrete and brick pillars. We knocked on the door and walked into the kitchen where this woman, who I had known all my life, the same strong willed woman that would go out and do chores like any farm wife i knew was sitting in a wheel chair, eating yogurt, drinking something that wasn't as thick as a vanilla shake but wasn't as thin as milk, trying so hard to hold a conversation that wasn't even related to anything that the rest of us were actually talking about, and at that moment, reality set in.. This was not looking good. Mom and Dad continued to send food up to Uncle Danny, while he struggled to watch his wife of 50 some odd years fail before his eyes. 
Things did not get better, in fact last fall my dads brother that lives in South Dakota, and their sister that lives some where over in the middle east(china I believe) and sister that lives not too far from my dad, all got together for a family gathering at my Aunt and Uncles house. Then not knowing where this would actually go.. My dads side of the family always have hosted a family Christmas, kind of as a way to reconnect and Dixie and Danny showed up, her looking at lot more frail and thin, than she had in the earlier months, but still got the same heartwarming smile that i got every time when we saw them. I sat down next to her holding Emmie in my lap, and she took a look at me, and looked at Em and smiled, as heartbreaking as it was, she knew who we were and that was all that mattered.

Fast forwarding again to today, about an hour and a half after I had talked to my parents earlier, my mom called, once again giving me that "I don't have time to talk, but you really need to know this" tone of voice. As i waited for what was going to be bad news, she said, "I really hate to tell you this, but your aunt is gone." She had just gotten off the phone with dad, and he didn't really know anymore than what Uncle Danny had told him.  So here I am.. almost emotionless, of what the week has in store for me and the rest of the family, I know its going to be tough, and I just keep telling myself I have to get through this.

 Life can crash before you in a second, just don't let the moments of being selfish take over. Because you never know what tomorrow can have in store for you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Someone has a case of the 'Mondays'.......

Ahh, good evening friends... Welcome to another Monday... Yes, I will say this with lots of maybe lack there of enthusiasm. This morning was great, woke up with my almost 4 year old Ginger girl screaming in my ear, "Mommy! Wake Up!"  As, I pretended that her screechy voice was actually coming from the water of a near by ocean of my own little island. That wasn't the case. So, I got up right about the time she stomped her foot and demanded a peanut butter sandwich.. And this is where it begins... Thinking to myself 'this is going to be a wonderful day, the sun will shine, birds will chirp, i will walk to my kitchen and have a full pot of coffee waiting for me, a nice hot drawn bubble bath and pure silence'. WRONG. The crazy mad fits that were thrown this morning, could definitely rival the Tom Brady/Tim Tebow score from earlier this past weekend, it was almost as if she was secretly watching and taking lessons.  I blame you football.. I blame YOU.

As you can see, yes, this morning got off to the wrong foot, or was it the right? well either way it wasn't starting out well.. I turned on cartoons and started to have a nice discussion with my friend Annie, as we talked about our morning and laughed at things that had already happened, I decided that i was going to make some bread, so i did.. Made 2 loaves that turned out really good actually, was kinda excited, however it used up all of the remaining flour i had so the cookie baking (which was yesterdays Ginger demand) will have to commence for another day, she was once again not a happy camper.  As I was cleaning up, I noticed that my dishwasher was sitting kind of funny.. Granted the black beast is old but yet it still works, not to mention the fact that when we were living in town, we got it for free, and put it in when we moved out to the farm almost 4 years ago. (Yes, I know in my profile statement it said I was a townie turned farm girl, however when i moved to this lovely corner of the state, we lived in a nice LITTLE and yes i do emphasize little house on the north edge of town, that was like being in the country.. Only 4 houses and ours was one but it was still in town) So, Zach and my father in law, tore out one of the cabinets under the counter to make room for this beastly dishwasher. Runs beautifully, except for the fact i couldn't run it and the microwave at the same time, or was it the washer?  Anyway,  something wasn't right.. I loaded it, put soap in went to shut the door... nothing.  it wouldn't shut the door completely. So, I did what any woman in their right mind would do... Try again.  Nothing.  At this time i really wanted to start screaming obscenities at my dishwasher, and may have at some point as to i don't remember it was a fog of pure frustration, for lack of a better word.  I thought maybe at one time I actually got the door shut on it.. only to know that my counter top of which my dishwasher is under and my microwave is sitting on top of was making popping noises to which either resulted to A)  having the microwave on the counter top is stressing it so its putting all of the extra weight on the dishwasher which means i cant close that door or B) im gonna wake up in the middle of the night to this huge crashing sound of my counter top breaking off my microwave falling on the floor. Neither of which REALLY bother me, but at the same time they do.. (Details for that at a later date) Mixed feelings?  Yes. But in the long run, maybe short, its all good.  As of right now, I still have a malfunctioned dishwasher, counter top mixture..

I sit down, thinking that maybe my daily dose of insanity was over, but i was wrong.  I take a look around my house and think to my self "Is this what it was really like when that tornado hit Dorothy's house during The Wizard of Oz"? Mine looks like the tornado picked it up, turned it upside down and shook it for about 10 minutes making sure that all the inner contents have been released.. Much like this.. 
yep, this is kinda what my house looks like
HA.  To pack or not to pack, that is the question..(again, this also be mentioned at a later date) I opted no, for another day. Like.. Tomorrow.

Yes! Yes Indeed!!!!
Well at least this way Ill have something to look forward to doing, that is if my Ginger lets me do so.  Have I started supper yet you ask? No. Do I know what I am going to fix, as you ask, No.  Therefore i should probably do this.  However before I go, I wanted to leave you with some happy thoughts.

My adorable, sweet, smart, and very imaginative nephew who LOVES dinosaurs (and his Aunt Jessi) of any kind wasn't feeling so hot a couple days ago, which made his Auntie sad. The energy he has, its amazing, and at the same time quite funny.  So, this morning, I found this picture  and posted it to my Sister in Laws Facebook page and wrote a little note:
hey lil buddy, hope your feeling better, and hope you have a good day at school! see you soon! ♥ aunt jessi
Not only was this nephew approved, but I got the cutest  little note back telling me thank you, then was told by his mom that he had to have the picture printed out and he was carrying it around the house with him.. Ahh.. love that little boy.  Later she told me that he had told her that he needed help reaching something because his "Arms were too medium". Ha, I couldnt help but laugh..  The things he thinks of..

 I, now feel as if i should go fix some supper, and continue to work on my dishwasher... Have a good night, and Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

"When life gives you lemons, find someone who's life is giving them vodka and throw a party!"  - Ron White

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome, What you're about to learn...

Hi! My name is Jessi, and I am the owner of a home-based hat making business called Fuzzy Wuzzy Hats. I live in Iowa, where i was raised. My parents were always work driven people, until I was born, then my mom stayed home with me until I started school full time(ie: kindergarten) and my dad, well, lets just say I think he will work til he cant take it anymore.  I have a great life, great family, beautiful, loving friends, I really couldn't ask for any thing more.  Well, let me take that back, I would like to have the following, longer days, more time to do the things that REALLY need to be done, and having my sanity back. Okay, I think that's all.. Well, at least for now anyway, I'm sure ill come up with something else later on.. 

You will learn of my trials, tribulations, praises, epic failures, successes and a whole lot of "Wow, did THAT just really happen" moments..  I'll share stories of my friends, family, little things that have happened through out my life, my day, everything in between,  I wont tell you much about my 'personal' life because ill probably be blogging about my personal life every day. (well, at least when i can remember, one way or another). Most of all, I will share with you my little rants of having a home based business, my whining and fit throwing because the colors "I thought" were going to work didn't etc. Laugh, Cry, or just get REALLY frustrated with me, but most of all, Enjoy yourself. Thanks for taking a look and reading what I have to say! God Bless.

"I wish I had the answer to that, because I'm tired of answering that question". Yogi Berra